The down side is that the police officers wouldn't let me take pictures, and they threatened to confiscate my camera.
The good thing is that I was greeted immediately when I walked through the door and was directed to a check-in table.
The next volunteers in turn quickly looked up my address and directed me a sign-in table, giving me clear directions on where the table was located.
While standing in line a friendly gentleman went along asking for last names, there were two people signing voters in, one covering the first half of the alphabet and the other the latter.
He quickly moved the line along, moving people ahead in line when the second sign-in book was available.
The volunteer handling my sign-in book had a little difficulty with alphabetization. She kept thinking that BITTER was found somewhere after BRINKERHOFF. I had to help her realize that BI comes before BR, . . . and BO. But it went smoothly and fairly quickly, and posed no problems.
When I finally arrived at the booth (which looked a lot nicer this time), a volunteer stepped into it with me, I was a little unnerved by this, but she calmly and happily described how to cast my vote.
1- Pull the lever over.
2- Turn the knobs.
3- Pull the lever back over.
Voila you're done.
She left me, I snapped a few pictures. Voted. Then stepped back out.
Overall, it was a vast improvement from when I voted in the 2008 Presidential primaries.
Here's the photo I promised from last time. I was too close to get the overall effect, so I just took a photo of the lever. I'm not going to go into details about my photo taking troubles, but let it suffice to say that the cops were NOT happy with me.

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