Monday, October 15, 2007

Me, week one

Me Week 1

Yep, that's me. *smirk*

I've decided to start doing a weekly self-portrait. This is week one. The only catch, I didn't take the picture, Sherri it looks like I'm off to a bad start. lol

That is unless I loosely use the term "self-portrait", because well, it is myself, and it's a portrait...right?

Next week, I promise to have been the one behind and in front of the lens. :) Everyone okay with that?



  1. Cool self-portrait! Even if you cheated by having Sherri take it. :) I'll have to get you or Sherri to do a self-portrait for me. My husband (read: non-photog) took my current one. I like yours and Sherri's much better!

  2. I think you look great! It's a neat idea for you to do a self-portrait so often. It will be fun to look back and see any changes.

  3. Nice photo!
    Self-portraits are always interesting, whether a photo or painting.


  4. You look so beautiful. I love the idea of seeing you each week!

  5. Hi Bitter!!!

    You are adorable!

    I like the pp on this....your eyes look fantastic!

    I look forward to your weekly photos :o)

  6. I love the PP on this as well -- how cute are you?! ::grin::

    I might be inspired...


  7. Hi Guys, thanks for the comments. Kelly, perhaps we'll have to get together for a little portrait session! :)

    Last week's self portrait wasn't blog worthy, so it stayed in the flickr stream...

    Hopefully this weeks will be better. We'll see! lol
